29 April 2012


If I can make eye contact with Tony Hawk, maybe I should work on other goals, too.

Here are some for the following week:

--Run 10 miles total
--Drink 60+ oz / day... of water, fools.
--Get 8+ hours sleep/night
--perfect Tstop, hockey stop & shutter stop

Tales from the after party

Here's a great intro to the following: Should have just stayed home.

I entered the derby world only three months ago, so naturally I don't know everyone super well. I should have remembered my pathetic appearance at the Awards Banquet only three weeks in, but two after-parties ago was somewhat fun (and I decided to discount the last one because it was an away bout). Since I don't know when, if ever, I'll be with this team at another bout/party, I figured I should make the most of tonight. And not head directly home, even though I was tired/ had homework chez moi.

Also Foal insisted I come. I don't know why I believed her, she is quite the social butterfly and I should have predicted that I'd be either standing awkwardly around/ following her like a puppy. Because that is basically what happened until Lucy finally came.

Meanwhile I witnessed:
--Foal mooning a stranger to show him her bum tattoo
--Tony and her frand having close relations, with Foal joining in and leaving me to be an awkward fourth wheel. I'm awkward to begin with, I don't need wheels involved!
--lots of adults uncomfortably trying to not act their age.

I guess I'm just not a bar person. I figured that out a while ago, I don't know why I thought joining derby would make it not so.

Then Lucy came, and we had a good time speculating on Tony and other things. But the whole time I just really wanted to be home, and felt awkward dancing... I really wasn't enjoying myself but I waited until Tainted came so Lucy wouldn't be alone.

I don't think I was the only one feeling on the fringes... Superbabe didn't talk to Tony at all, even though they're supposedly derby wives. I tried to get her to join in dancing with Lucy and me, but I could tell she wasn't into it. Neither was I, but the only alternative to dancing was standing around.

I didn't realize that I forgot to say goodbye to Foal until this morning, when I saw that she posted on my wall around 2 AM asking where I was. Tainted responded that I'd gone home hours ago. I just wonder.... why were they on Facebook at the bar? This is what I don't get about bars. You could drink at home, and you wouldn't have creepy/ attractive strangers staring at you. It's not like you ever talk to those strangers, or if you do, that anything good comes of it-- so why not just drink at home? That way you save lives and gas, because you're not driving around intoxicated. Which also concerns me, because Foal has taken a liking to Fireballs and she was driving last night. But what can I do?

Write a blog about it, apparently.

I made eye contact with Tony Hawk

So, Tony Hawk was my second derby crush, and yet it's only been a crush from afar as Tony is not very outgoing. Before the bout, Lucy and I were puzzling over her. We can't figure out if she's just shy/introverted, or if she really hates us all.

Tony seems to have taken a liking to Foal, however. Yet when I asked Foal whether Tony was shy or not, Foal just kind of shrugged it off. "I don't know, I don't know her very well..." LIES. They're fb friends, and Tony is always around her. I'm now even more confused about the situation.

So I made a bet with Lucy that I would make eye contact with Tony by the end of the night. It was a hard-earned bet, let me tell you. I watched her for an entire game, and it wasn't until we slapped hands at the end of it that she finally looked IN MY EYES. And it was kind of a dead-fish sort of slap. But I conquered!

I had to action track during the second game last night. Tony sat and took pictures, but also seemed to be quite cozy with a fan/friend/frand? (The line seems  a bit fuzzy.) Then she came around during half-time when Foal was sitting on my lap and took pictures of us. I'm sure every one of them was awful, I felt so weird having her there! She talked a bit to Foal, and possibly even laughed at a joke of mine, but I can't remember her ever looking AT ME. So weird.

Anyway, I guess at least I'm getting somewhere...

28 April 2012

let's do the numbers

Ok, I'm posting this only to test my limits later. I challenged E to run it with me 7 minutes faster (ideally by the Color Run this August)... but then we both decided that may be too ambitious. So we settled for six minutes.

Time : 25:27

18th in my division (72 total)

57/652 women or 263/ overall (1,139).

My good friend R WON in our division with a time of 19:50, also claiming that she "hadn't run in a while"... not sure we believe her! :)

So I'm actually pretty pleased with these results, considering everything. Must be all that derby training! :P

Push it! Push it REAL good!

Ever have mornings where you wake up and think, "HEY! I think it'd be a good idea to run a 5k race today, even though I haven't run since... December? November?"

Yeah, me neither.

Except the friend who invited me must have caught me off guard, and somehow I ended up at the starting line this morning. Lots of good-looking people around. And spritely little kids. I must love public humiliation!

Since I found out about the race at approximately 8 PM last night, I really didn't have much time to train. My strategy was to stay out really late (went to a late night showing of The Hunger Games!) and eat really rich, fattening cake as a late-night snack (Tuxedo Cheesecake by Costco... yummm). Dinner of champions.

I don't know my time yet, but I must say, I passed several folks around my age and stayed ahead of them, so I'm not feeling TOO badly... even though by the second mile I was struggling. My ankle never gave me trouble, either. Considering I ran a half marathon this summer, you'd think it'd be like riding a bike... nope. Not at all like riding a bike. Unless the bike is supposed to go up a steep incline, and you are trying to navigate tiny tots zipping past....

It's good to have your humble pie and eat it too!

Tonight I'm action tracking for my last derby game for a while (hopefully only a little while!)... and going to the afterparty, of course! Hopefully I won't stay out too late... last week I didn't get home until 3:30 AM. Don't tell my mother...

27 April 2012

bruised little girl

First injury today as a derby girl... not even derby-related! :(

I was free-climbing (apparently known as "bouldering" to the hipster climbing types) a rock wall and got a little scared about how high I had gotten.

(At this point, I should probably mention that I'm scared of heights.)

So I jumped, cat-like, onto the mat below. And by "cat-like" I mean with a howl, minus the finesse.

Except the mat wasn't as padded as I was expecting, and my ankle somehow rolled beneath me. It hurt right away, but I didn't really notice it until later. I don't know what to do about it, aside from "resting"--- would it be ok to skate outside on it? Today is Friday and I won't have practice 'till Monday evening, when I can ask our resident physical therapist. Ergh.

Many more bruises and bumps to come, I am sure (and probably even some that are derby-related!).

P.S. Did you know that when you climb a building it is called "buildering"?? Ha ha ha!  (source)



Well, I started an anonymous blog about life.

Then I realized that all I really wanted to write about was derby. And that if I kept doing that, I couldn't be too anonymous. Also that no one really cares about blogs, anyway, so neither should I.

Though I'm writing this at my university and super paranoid about everyone who walks behind my monitor / sees me "blogging". "Look at that chick with the bandana wrapped around her head. Who does she think she is? Rosie the Riveter?"

Well, yes, actually, but that name was already taken.

Lots to write about in the future:

--How I got started in Derby
--Choosing a derby name
--My derby mentor
--my derby crushes
--things I'd like to improve about derby
--things I want to buy
--my goals/ things I want to work on
--derby teams I plan to visit
--game recaps

But for now... I say sayonara!